Swift foods:  the journey continues.

Swift foods: the journey continues.

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I've been really busy lately, that's why I've not had time to continue giving you the updates on the swift food journey. So far, we have made considerable significance. Each team has been working hard to ensure the success of the start-up. Like last week, I'll give a detailed report based on what each team lead wrote, so you'll hear directly from the horse's mouth. Starting from the manager of this project, the project manager. " It’s been a couple of weeks since the onboarding of the SWIFTFOODSng start-up team. Like every organisation or start-up, there are teams, breakdown of tasks, ongoing projects, wins and most especially challenges. For the product management team, trying to manage a team of over 50 people virtually has had its ups and downs. This week, the product management team had to update the product backlog. The product backlog is where tasks are broken down and delegated to appropriate quarters. So far, we have been able to distribute these tasks across a Kanban board on Trello. At this moment, however, due to various reasons, most of the tasks still seem to be on the “To-do” section. We however are working towards encouraging our team members and urging them to move the project forward. Also, holding stand-up meetings, especially as a virtual team can be quite challenging for the first few times. But as time passes, with people and time management skills, it is important that as product managers we can make time that is suitable for these meetings to hold. We are also working towards delivering our MVP in the forthcoming week". Seeing how dedicated they are is very intriguing.

Then the product designers are working hard to ensure that they deliver the look of the website fast to the engineers.

"It’s the third week of the side hustle Bootcamp and we are still working on the swift food website. It is a web-based food ordering and delivery platform. This week, we were tasked with completing our high-fidelity designs for the website. The team got together and had a series of group calls while designing to make sure we deliver the best design. We successfully developed these screens. The payment and delivery page, The cart, The home page, The login screen, The signup screen. You can access the designs here figma.com/file/ARFROVjdDyNwE9UyWw57pd/Swift..

CONCLUSION This week wasn’t as stressful as the workload wasn’t a lot. We enjoyed working on this."

You can access some of the designs on Figma, and you'll see how beautiful and appealing they are. Then, to the work of the engineers. The backbone of this project. First, let's look at the front-end developers. They worked together with the product designers on this one. "Week-3 Implementation of the UI design The task for the frontend team for week 3 was to start Implementation on the UI design up to 50%. The UI design is for an online food delivery platform where users can place an order for already made food at their convenience and it will be delivered within a short period. The UI design comprised several pages along with the navbar and footer. We first had a meeting to discuss and plan how to dissect the design to make assigning tasks much easier. After the meeting, we were able to divide it into 5 plus pages * Login page

  • Sign up page
  • l\Javbar
  • Footer
  • Cart
  • Checkout page
  • And about 3 (landing pages The navigation bar consists 09 4 navigation lists So after splitting the task everyone selected a task. I set up a github repository and added everyone as collaborators to start work on the project The login and sign-up page were a little straightforward because it's a common part of every website and we had done that a couple of times. The navbar and footer appeared on the landing pages. Then I had problems with the footer because it was my first time building a footer was How to make it remain at the end of the page. So I researched for answers on youtube and I got away but in the process, I had to improvise. The landing pages were a lot of work although we have not completed and have not added functionality to it The home page is the first landing page that contained information about us and what we are offering. There weren't many such problems dealing with this I also got to build the cart and checkout pages. This was fun because it was new to me and tasking. I had issues making my work responsive but I made a research on other projects on the cart and I made use of rows and columns by setting the column width to take 50% of the page each which means the row has 100% width and then at mobile media screen size I set it to display block and change the column width to 100% which takes up the entire screen width. I used this method for some others and it made it easier. This was what we achieved for this week to complete the website by the end of the new week."

Reading this, I'm sure I'm not the only one excited, our website will be ready by next week.

The customer relationship managers also did a great job but unfortunately, they were put on hold because of the lack of available website "Week 3 Progress Report.

This week's deliverables were straight to the point.

The Customer Relationship Management team were tasked to finish our Tidio Chatbot and set up a Hubspot account to build a suitable customer email marketing in collaboration with the Digital Marketing team.

Our FAQs were ready and we also, with the help of the Digital Marketing team were able to build a substantial email list.

The blindside was that our website is not ready and the lack of URL forced us to put our tasks on hold pending when we would get a URL. "

And then, to the digital marketers who are working hard to publicise our start-up

The 13th of July 2021 marked the second week of our startup and the team continued making progress regards the creation process and running of the brand. The team lead created a timetable which will serve as a guide for all team members in performing their assigned duties; posting and content creation. The group forged ahead with their respective tasks for the week, the the14th marking the first day for the implementation of the take stated on the calendar. Each team member was given a specific task to perform each day to aid in the growth and smooth running of the brand, social media content was created and sent out including video animations, logos, images, keywords and texts. Contents were shared on social media pages and our following on our different platforms also increased which showed that our KPIs were being achieved, the team worked hand in hand to ensure everything was running smoothly and solid. Thereafter, the team held a meeting where different new ideas were introduced and discussed to create awareness and sales for the brand. All ideas were considered and deliberated on. The contents for that day were also shared, using the content calendar as a guide. Also, we were to collaborate with the customer relationship managers for the email marketing, but it was put on hold because we couldn’t create a Hubspot account without the website available. You should also follow us on our various social media channels to see our progress. instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1h9sgkctum..


twitter.com/Swiftfoodsng?t=RFgoApJHl4fXws2S.. Twitter

hashnode.com/@Swiftfoods Hash node



And that will be all for today. Bye, till next week.